
Archive for January, 2014

After Time Tales

After Time Tales by Laura Botsford


     The secret was not far away perhaps you may have heard it yourself?

   Not long ago, right around the time you born, a light filled the world once more. You see, it had been a long time coming, for there was a time when the world was dark and plagued with an awful ruler. His name was Yicca the Awful and he was known to rob people of their joy and leave them helpless. He had a league of many angry and bothersome people called the Angerdahs who sought out happy people and made them all grouchy, uncaring and hopeless.

   This was until the great day on Harp Wind Hill, when the people of Emeria all joined hands and prayed. They put their hands up in the air and light beams came straight out of their palms. Their mouths opened and they spoke only loving words. Each word spilled over the mountain and out into the air until the Angerdahs melted into pools of aqua sea drops and many fish came to spur them out to sea, where they are adrift to this day.

   The people of Emeria rejoiced, they gathered flowers and put them in a basket of light and sent them to Moorea, the gypsy king, who in exchange promised them all wishes of their own. And because they knew how to make and believe, they are coming true.

   Travel with Emma and Brody as they are called to adventures from the Land Of Emeria to help bring the knowledge of Make and Believe to other lands. Watch how they defeat the Angerdahs and Yicca the Awful. Erase your fears and gather your love into a vision of how you too can make the world a better place to live in.

About After Time Tales

Travel with Emma and Brody as they are called to adventures from the Land Of Emeria to help bring the knowledge of Make and Believe to other lands. See how they defeat the Angerdahs and Yicca the Awful. Erase your fears and gather your love into a vision of how you too can make the world a better place to live in with kindness, a fun circus to restore the thrones of contentment and joy.

This tale is an adventure of the power of Make and Believe, a true teaching tale in positive thinking.

Now available on lulu.com with color illustrations. $20.00

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